Resources designed  to help communities and activists make sense of the complexity of climate change. These videos explore some of the key concepts that climate activists are grappling with in the fight against climate change.

What does it mean to Decarbonise?

Decarbonisation is increasingly being discussed across the globe. But what exactly does it mean and how can we do it? As part of the Hotspot Series, South African activist Gabriel Klaasen simply explains what it means and why its more necessary than ever.

What is Fair Climate Finance?

Poorer countries are likely to struggle most with the impact of climate change. Rich and developed nations have already benefited from cheap dirty energy. Fair climate finance acknowledges this imbalances and structures the finance needed to deal with the impact of climate change accordingly.

Who pays for Climate Change Loss and Damage?

Climate change effects the entire planet, but our capacity to deal with it effects are not equal. Kumi Naidoo discusses how wealthier nations are better able to mitigate the consequences of climate change while poorer countries are left to suffer loss and damage.

Who Should Own Energy Production?

We need to transition away from carbon based energy production as quickly as possible. But who should ‘own’ these projects? Privatising energy production means profit becomes the driving force behind the transition, and this happens at the expense of the people. Major energy projects should serve the people, not the shareholders.

Should Africa care about climate change?

Climate change impacts do not discriminate. But Africa, and specifically women will be most impacted. Will Africa be able to cope with extreme weather events? In this video Dora Marema discusses the impact of climate change on Africa, especially women and the importance of taking action now.

Working class Climate Justice?

The fight against climate change should prioritize and center the needs and experiences of working-class communities who are most impacted by the effects of climate change. In South Africa the working class cannot be left behind in the transition to green energy.